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Countries, councils, and communities around the world are setting science-derived climate targets to limit global warming.
Use this website to find out your local science-derived target. Targets can be selected to align with an increase in global average temperature of 1.5 or 2 degrees.
Select State, Municipality and Degrees reduction goal from the drop down menu to find out:
The local carbon budget
Years until this runs out (business-as-usual)
The Annual emissions produced
The Annual emissions reduction required to meet the target
To see a regional target please hold ctrl when selecting additional municipalities
To see entire states targets choose "select all" for a municipality and then select the appropriate state
To see the national target choose "select all" for municipality and state
This website provides free and accessible science-derived targets and carbon budgets for all Australian Councils.

Australian councils have a critical role to play to reach international, national, state and local government climate targets.
Councils cannot meet these targets alone, but they can use targets to set the local agenda and facilitate collaboration, support and action at all levels of the community, business and government.
Without urgent action, most Australian councils will run out of their carbon budget in the next 8-15 years, or 0-9 years for 1.5°C.
Science-derived targets provide consistency and rigour in setting targets for local councils and communities.

Science-derived targets can be used to:
Measure success
Drive action appropriate to the problem
Provide context for climate action planning
Motivate stakeholders
Unify council and community to understand the task at hand
Provide common definitions of success
Assess the impact of climate action plans
Ensure accountability to focus efforts and resourcing
Find the best and most efficient route to reach the target

The targets presented on this website are derived from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Australian Climate Change Authority (CCA).
To set the targets, the global carbon budget has been scaled down to the national and then local level (with a 50-66% chance of limiting warming) and scaled to account for relative advantage using the SEIFA index.
They have been developed by the Science Derived Targets Working Group, comprised of Australian local government and climate change experts.

Webinar on Science Based Targets for Councils (Local Government Energy Saver 3 Webinar)
Science Derived Targets for Australian Councils - Taking the Confusion out of Target Setting
Story Lab animation resource on carbon budgets
Science-Based Targets Guide for Cities from the Science-Based Targets Network
Tool for free emissions profiles for every council in Australia